Addie and Skyelar's Story

Addie & Skyelar

Addie is a vibrant, full of energy four year old who has cerebral palsy! She loves to do anything and everything that any other kid does, including play at playgrounds! She has four siblings that range from 1 to 10, so a playground that is adapted where everyone plays is a huge deal for our family! Addie uses a power wheelchair and a walker, and both require a flat surface and ramps for access for her to join in with others! Inclusive playgrounds allow for kids like Addie and caregivers to join beside them on the fun! Access for all abilities is equally important for those with physical challenges and for those without. When kids are around others that are not like them starting at a young age, it opens their mind up to grow with a heart for all and break down the walls of seclusion. We hope to see this playground built for all of those in our community with wheels and everyone without! Let us bring all abilities together! 

-Katie King


Skyelar is a very energetic and on the go five year old. She loves going to the park to play with her friends and little brother! Skye was born with Spina Bifida and several other medical conditions that make her wheelchair her main source of mobility. She had spine surgery that gave her the ability to be able to army crawl, but she still relies mainly on her wheelchair to get around. Skye has never let anything slow her down! This playground would make it so much easier for her to be able to play alongside her brother and friends. She wouldn't have to rely on her Dad and I to carry her to the different areas, or have the fear of getting stepped on by other kids, from having to crawl along the walkways. This new playground would create a safe and fun space for children of all abilities to be able to play together as equals. 

-April Burris