
Public Library

Online Catalog

The Stephenville Public Library (SPL) holds over 28,000+ materials including, fiction and non-fiction books, large print books, books on CD, and periodicals. The SPL also has 8,000+ DVDs available for check-out! Search our Online Catalog

Services Offered

For in-house use, the SPL has a copier, fax machine, computers, and free Wi-Fi. The SPL also offers access to Overdrive, the Texshare program, renewals by phone, homebound deliveries, and Interlibrary Loans to all registered patrons.

Interlibrary Loans

When you need more resources, think outside the building.  The Stephenville Public Library (SPL) offers Interlibrary Loans! If you can’t find what you are looking for, just place a request for an ILL and the books, periodicals, cassettes, CDs or DVDs you requested are shipped to the SPL and made available for checkout.  To request an Interlibrary Loan, simply fill out a request form (Interlibrary Loan Form) and turn it in at the SPL’s circulation desk. For more information, visit the library, call us, or message us on Facebook.


Library cards are free and available at the Stephenville Public Library’s circulation desk.  To obtain a library card, please bring a photo ID and another item showing your address, (such as mail, insurance card, voter’s registration card, or checkbook) and fill out a short application form.  Library Card Application

Copies: $.15 per page
Faxes:  $1.00 a page
Replacement Library Card:  $2.00
Overdue Books and Periodicals:  $.25 per day
Overdue DVDs:  $1.00 per day
Lost Items:  The cost of the item
Damaged Items:  The cost of repair or replacement of the item