High Weeds And Grass

Measuring tape extended vertically from the ground to measure the height of the grass

Grass or weeds higher than 10 inches are deemed a public nuisance.

Owners of properties in violation will receive a notice allowing 10 days to bring the property into compliance. The City may send a contractor to mow the property on the 11th day after notice was issued.

The City’s initial notification of violation is valid for 1 year from the date of issuance and allows the City to mow the property without issuing a second notice for a repeat violation  of the same offense in that year. The property owner is responsible for paying all costs associated with this service plus an administration fee.  A lien will be placed against the property for any bill not paid within 30 days. If the city can not abate the violation, a citation will be issued to the owner  via mail for each day the violation occurs.


  • State highway rights-of-way
  • Agricultural areas that are separated from developed residential property by more than 100 feet and are not otherwise a nuisance to adjoining property or persons. Agricultural meaning crop production and/or grazing.
  • Heavily wooded areas filled with uncultivated underbrush
  • The cultivation of concentrated wildflowers from March 15 to August 1 of each year, provided that wildflowers are not overgrown with grass or weeds.